
Entertaining & Informative Sports Talk
Weekdays 2pm - 4pm
KSHP 1400AM / 107.1FM
Call In: 702-221-7283
Advertising Opportunities
There is wide variety of sponsorship options that will have your companys presence within the show. All of these advertising opportunities are tied into key components of the daily programming and is delivered with a natural feel and quickly establishes an association with listeners. This will create an abundance of advertising impressions reaching thousands of listeners at each opportunity.
Here is a list of innovative opportunities available to brand your company with our large sports audience:
30 or 60 second Spots - Live Read:
TC Martin will serve as the spokesperson doing a live read in a personalized commercial. The content is decided by the client while TC gets your message across in an entertaining manner. This live commercial is done coming out of one of the breaks.
30 or 60 second Spots - Recorded:
These spots can be produced by the client or by our staff. The content, style and production are decided by the client. These commercials will air during the course of the show during the commercial breaks.
Interview Segments:
Two weekly 15 minute interview segments with a member of your company. This person will be a regular guest or contributor to the TC Martin Show. We will discuss current sports topics or a specific genre that is connected to your business along with promotions and advertising information.
Latest Line Segments:
A daily line update on the upcoming games. Previewing the games with an analytical view of the match-ups and line movement. One of your spokespersons could be incorporated in this segment analyzing the games. Also a brief description and update of current or upcoming property contests or promotions will be discussed.
20/20 Sports Updates:
15 second mentions at the end of the two minute Sports Update. Brief advertising content and or liner are decided by the client. Updates air three times per hour every 20 minutes
Studio Sponsorship:
Broadcasting live from __________Studio. These mentions will come frequently throughout the show with a minimum of three times per hour. The focal point will be at the beginning of each hour. This is similar to what professional sports teams do with the naming of their stadiums and arenas.
Hot Lines:
When interviewing guests we reference the Studio phone line or the Hot Line. Todays guest is joining us on the __________ Hot Line. This is mentioned with each guest phone interview including the introduction as well as resetting during the course of the interview. There is an average of three guests per show.
Email In-box:
During the show we solicit listeners to e-mail questions and comments to the studio. TC reads these emails during a segment of the show. When giving the email address we tell listeners to email us at the __________In-Box as well as titling the segment __________ Email
Website Signage:
Banner ad placement on our station website in affiliation with the TC Martin Show. Your company logo will be displayed in association with the program as a primary sponsor of the show.
Social Media (Twitter)
Utilizing the most effective modern day branding elements with the use of twitter to connect and co-mingle our audiences. Contests, updates, breaking news, questions and more are all part of the mainstream social media used daily on the TC Martin Show.